Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 2

Well, I didn't think I'd be posting again so soon, but thought todays experience was worth writing about! Previously my diet was very consistent, and relatively "healthy" (as in, I watched my calories, fat, fiber, etc...). Well, today it made me rethink that fact! I was miserable all day! I had a terrible headache, which didn't respond to tylenol (which always works), and it just kept getting worse. At first I figured it was caffeine withdrawl, since I've never given it up before, but I never really drank very much caffeine (one soda a day, 2-3 cups of coffee a week [not a day!]). Later in the day I realized it was most likely a result of sugar withdrawl. That was a shocker!

By late afternoon I had intense stomach pain. Eventually it just went away, the nap probably helped :)

After the nap I decided to make salsa. Uneventful, until when cutting the jalenpenos, when it splashed in my eye! I waited for the fire to begin, but it never happened. I thank my contacts! I can also cut onions without crying, which is wonderful!

So, that's day 2. Let's hope day 3 is better!

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