Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 2

Well, I didn't think I'd be posting again so soon, but thought todays experience was worth writing about! Previously my diet was very consistent, and relatively "healthy" (as in, I watched my calories, fat, fiber, etc...). Well, today it made me rethink that fact! I was miserable all day! I had a terrible headache, which didn't respond to tylenol (which always works), and it just kept getting worse. At first I figured it was caffeine withdrawl, since I've never given it up before, but I never really drank very much caffeine (one soda a day, 2-3 cups of coffee a week [not a day!]). Later in the day I realized it was most likely a result of sugar withdrawl. That was a shocker!

By late afternoon I had intense stomach pain. Eventually it just went away, the nap probably helped :)

After the nap I decided to make salsa. Uneventful, until when cutting the jalenpenos, when it splashed in my eye! I waited for the fire to begin, but it never happened. I thank my contacts! I can also cut onions without crying, which is wonderful!

So, that's day 2. Let's hope day 3 is better!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 1

Knowing how long my days are during the week, I am trying to prepare several things today, so less effort will be required during the week.

I cut up a bunch of veggies for salad, and put them in separate tupperware containers (figuring that they go bad at different rates, I wouldn't want to have to throw out a whole salad just because the lettuce went bad...). So far this entails hearts of romaine, celery, green and yellow bell peppers, tomato. (I had this for lunch, with fat free cheese and vinegar and oil).

I got french onion soup going in the crockpot, this will hopefully last through most of the week. If it's good, I'll post the recipe.

I'm also making salsa. I figure cooking up some ground turkey, quinoa, and salsa might make a tasty combination. I also hope this will last several meals.

I'm struggling with snacks. It seems to be fruit or almonds. I need to come up with some other options. I'd love suggestions! (But remember, has to be prepared myself, and whole grains and natural foods).


I am in a small group training class. This week the trainer wanted us to bring in packages of things we regularly eat. I am lazy when it comes to cooking, so I drink slimfast every morning for breakfast, have lean cuisines every day for lunch, and come up with something for dinner. She didn't like how much processed food I was eating, so she asked me to give it all up for three weeks.

This is my journey of "eating like they did 1,000 years ago". (Her words). It's similar to the whole foods diet, but a little more extreme. Here are some of the guidelines she gave me:

Only whole wheat pasta, and eating quinoa instead, when possible
Oatmeal for breakfast (And not those packets of instant oatmeal! Although, I am opting for oat bran, which is also very high in fiber, healthy, and requires me to prepare it)
No packaged foods, no artifical sweeteners
I can have fat free cheese

I'm going to blog about the journey, and hopefully pass along some good recipes! This is going to be quite a challenge for me, since I rarely cook! Wish me luck!!

Ignore the pudding and graham crackers, they were for a dessert I had to take to a dinner party. The other containers are broth, which I'm not sure is allowed, but I didn't have any idea how to make it myself!